Sovima Peso Khel                            Dimapur, Nagaland-797112


Our story

Let’s Get to know how we started our Ministry

Teenagers Evangelism of the Nation (TEN)

It was on the second Sunday of march 1972. On this day the lord had given me the burden and vision for “Teenagers Evangelism of Nagaland” (TEN). I was studying in Guahati that time. I came to Kohima to attend Billy Graham Crusade at Kohima in the year 1972 in the month of February. I took my decision at the crusade. After that God had shown me to do for young people of Teenagers Evangelism of Nagaland on second Sunday of March 1972. So i wrote letter to Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that i would like to start a ministry among teenagers people. They printed my letter in their decision magazine in the month of September issued. And editor mentioned just bellow my letter, requesting all the readers of decision magazine to pray for young people of Nagas as they start Teenagers Evangelism of Nagaland. After seeing that i was more burden to start the Ten ministry. Like that the first Ten magazine came out during 8 February 1976. And the first Teenagers day was observed in a small village of Botsa Baptist Church on second Sunday of march 1977. The second Teenagers day was observed at Terogunyu Rengma Village on second Sunday of march 14 1982. After completing ten years of service, we change from Nagaland into Nations. i.e Teenagers Evangelism of Nation (TEN). on that Teenagers day, we emphasized the important of Teenagers both physical and spiritual and their needs, their guide etc. therefore, today we on behalf of all Teenagers request all the churches and even non Christian also to obey Teenagers Day in their respective churches and pray for them, do good for them encourage them to do good for others. May God bless you all as you observe Teenager’s Day i.e Second Sunday of March every year. (Dr. Kip Rio)

Intensive Missionary Training College (IMTC)

Sovima E-Khel, Dimapur, Nagaland-797112

 Intensive Missionary Training Institute was founded by Dr. Kip Rio a burden of saving the lost soul and making disciples to the kingdom of God, to spread the good news around the world where the name of Jesus Christ is still unknown in their life. Basing on “the Great Commission” (Matt. 28:19-20), I.M.T.C gives a brief training on missionary Anthropology. Theoretically I.M.T.C is emphasizing more on mission studies as well as practical studies and work for self reliance in their career ministry, which is also a part of their curriculum, such as gardening, poultry farming, piggery farming, carpentry work, driving and outreach ministry are taught by I.M.T.C besides all this course, music is the most important part of their studies for which the students are taught staff and tonic sofa with practical instruments like, Guitar, Violin and Trumpet etc.

Lets Build Something Together.