Sovima Peso Khel                            Dimapur, Nagaland-797112



 ACHIEVEMENT REPORT OF WORLD PEACE PRAYERS WARRIOR CONFERENCE FROM 4th-8th OCTOBER 2022 COVERING TWO DIFFERENT PLACES BY 23 VEHICLES AND 3 MOTORBIKES WITH 168 PRAYER WARRIORS PEOPLE.The first world peace prayer warrior conference meeting was held at NCRC  prayer centre Ruvieba 7ṭḥ mile model village of Chumoukedima District of Nagaland.

The registration and room allocation was started by 1pm onwards on 4th october 2022. And the actual prayer meeting started from 6:00pm till 7:30pm. Dr.Kip Rio pastor of Garden mission church was the leader of the service. He gave some sort of instruction for the next journey. Senior pastor Pheluotso Angami pastor of Hindi and nagamese CRC Industrial estate of Dimapur gave a short message on how God revealed to him about the world peace prayer warriors conference and also distributed the written message of prophetic words to all who came for journey prayers. We sang a song of “Anywhere with Jesus’ ‘ . I can safely go far , song book no.1. We also prayed for the following unponation of serial no.1 to II , such as AB Khazia, Acheh, Africaners/ Ahwazi, Assyria, Balochistan, Barotseland, Batwa, Bellah people, Biafra and Brittany.

    We also prayed the three main points of prayers, the purpose of prayers ie.(I)  pray for the peace of all nations of the world. (II) pray that Covid 19 pandemic will be powerless from the destruction of people. (III) pray that no world war-III will break out nor Nuclear will be used to destroy the living being on the face of the earth.

We also pray that India and Nagas have peace since the last 59 years ago. But many have been killed within these periods of the so-called peace. Therefore let the Nagas and India show real peace and set a good example to the rest of the people of the nation.  We also prayed that Nagas will have peace with all the nations of the world and will not need to make any amendment nor war with any nation of the world. We also prayed for all Naga tribes as well as other states of India that there will be peace among them and let Christ the prince of peace rule over them and let them come to know who Jesus Christ is and let them take Jesus as their Lord and savior. Then after closing mass prayer we had dinner arranged by pastor Neibulie Rio and his staff. Praise God and thanks for all the good arrangements of food, tea and for spending the night.  May God bless them for all good things done by any one.

        This morning is 5 october 2022 , everybody got ready by 5am . All the delegates came together to the church hall and prayed together and flag off prayers were given by Rev. neikeduozo paphino of NCRC advisor. And then all the 23 vehicles  and 3 motorbikes carrying 168 people start moving to charge christian prayer centre. 

We reached by 6am  and a second prayer meeting was conducted here. Pastor Sezo on Apostolic CRC was the lead of the programme. Here we sang “Amazing grace” song book no.II,  we confessed the sins of II nations of unpo and cast out evil spirits of war againts those nations and prayed for them (II unponations) and us. 

(I) catalonia (II) Chittagong hill tracts (III) crimean tatars (IV) district of Columbia (washington de) (V) East Turkestan (VI) Gilgit Baltistan (VII) Guam Haratin (VIII) Hmong (IX) Iranian kurdistan (X) Kabylia Khmer-Krom (XI) Legghin.

       We also prayed the three main prayer points, and the chathe prayer centre pastor incharge  pastor Ruunguto Kruse, warmly welcomed us  and also handed over the cash of Rs. 10,000 (Ten Thousand Rupees) to the party. Praise God for that and thanks to everyone who  did good works towards the peace prayer warriors group. After clossing prayer we left for Kohima World War II Cemetry. 

     We reached Kohima War Cemetry by 9:30 am.  The main gate was closed but there was a small entrance from the upper side so we could enter it. Rev. Dr. D.L. Sancha was there infront of the big cross which was a tennis court during those days of the second world war. He was welcoming us and every prayer warrior team. He led the prayer meeting.where we pray that no such third world war will happen at any time nor Nuclear weapons will be used to destroy human beings on the face of the earth nor such beautiful cemeteries will never be constructed. But let there be peace among all nations of the world, and let Covid-19 become powerless from now onwards to destroy human beings from the face of the earth.

We also confessed the sins which were committed by II unpo nations and also cast out evilwar spirits and asked blessings from them. Those nations are: (I) Madhesh (II) Nagalim (III) Ogaden (IV) Ogani (V) Oromo (VI) Rehaboth Basters VII) Savoy (VIII) Somaliland (IX) Sindh (X) South Moluccas (XI) Southern Azerrbaijan.

We also prayed to relatives of all those people who have been killed and took a rest in this cemetry, then we sang a song no.3 of our song book “How great thou Art ”, followed by closing mass prayer, and then left for Chiedema peace camp.

Those people who were on duty at peace camp welcomed us so joyfully, saying that they never thought  to make it happen this type of gathering by world peace prayer warriors meeting in this place since 1964 of peace between Nagas and Indian of 59 years ago. They even gave us an envelope containing money saying this is a sign of God’s gift. Not only that but even Chiedema C.R.C pastor bought a packet of bundle of money and handed over to us saying that besides this gift another gift prepare by the youths of our C.R.C Chiedema ie. lunch. We all enjoyed the lunch after service. Pasor Rheilhou lhounyu of Tashiezhu C.R.C. lead the service. We sang a song no.4 of “Jesus save”, then the leader read out those nations one by one and congregation repeat after him , they are southern Mongolis,  Sulu, Taiwan, Tibet, West Balochistan, West Papua, Western Togoland, Yoruba and Zambesia. We confess the point of those nations and cast out evil forever againts them and asked blessings for them , we also do prayed for peace of all nations and covid-19 pandemic will become powerless and also no third world war will be there nor neuclear weapon will be used by any nation . We also prayed for special blessings for Chiedema villagers as they allowed peace camp to be constructed in their village .may prince of peace be with them and work through them for the glory of god .after clossing mass prayer we had a nice lunch together and then proceeded for Naga Shisha hoho prayers center.

We arrived at Naga Shisha hoho by 1:30 p.m.pastor Adino solo was the leader of the service . we prayed for the UNO nation of (I) Afghanistan (II) Albonia (III) Algeria (IV) Andorra (V) Angola (VI) Antigua and Barbuda (VII) Argentina (VIII) Armenia (IX) Australia (X) Austria (XI) Azerbaijan. Then we sang a song of no.5 ,”When we all get to Heaven ”, then closing mass prayer. After service they prepared tea and bread for us. Praise the Lord and thank the pastor and all who are with him working. May God bless you all, then we left for Pughoboto.

It was about 5pm when we prayed at Pughoboto prayer centre. Pastor Daniel Patton Lotha was the leader for this place. We sang a song from no. 6, “follow,follow” I will follow Jesus. Cand we pray for UNO nations serial no. 12 to 22. They are: (I) Bahamas (II) Bahrain (III) Belgium (IV) Belize (V) Benin (VI) Bangladesh (VII) Barbados (VIII) Belarus (IX) Bhutan (X) Bolivia (XI) Bosnia and Herzegovin.

We also prayed for three main prayer points as well as the people of those places and surrounding. Then after closing mass prayer we left for Tseminyu. We reached T.Zusunyu of old Tseminyu Town where there is this Nagaland prayer house. Here pastor Jolling Thonger of Sangtam Tribe led the service. Here we prayed for : (I) Botwana (II) Brasil (III) Brunei Darussalan (IV) Bulgaria (V) Burkina Faso (VI) Burundi (VII) Carbo Vasde  (VIII) Combodia (IX) Cameroon (X) Canada (XII) Central African Republic. We confessed the sins of these nations and cast out evil spirits and asked blessings for them. We also prayed for the peace of all nations of the world and Covid-19 pandemic will be powerless and no third world war will break out nor nuclear weapons will be used to destroy the face of the earth . We also prayed that Nagas and India will show real peace to the rest of the nations of the world. We also prayed for the newly created district of Tseminyu and its people. Then we sang a song no. 7,”Yesterday, today and forever Jesus is the same”. Then we had a closing mass prayer. The leader and pastor were welcoming us so nicely and also arranged a very good tea and bread for us. Therefore we praised God and thanked God and everyone who did all the good things for us. Praise God and  bless you all. Then we left for Botsa Chiemekhu Nagaland prayer centre. It was already dark, with the help of torch light we had a prayer meeting on the road side leading to the prayer centre. Here Rev.Sanual Shanpang of Darjeeling, leader of Nepal group led the prayer meeting. We prayed for the place of all the villages around the places. We also prayed for (I) Chad (II) Cango (III) Costa Rica (III) Chile (IV) China (V) Colombia (VI) Comoros (VII) Cango (VIII) Côte D’Ivoire (IX) Croatia (X) Cuba (XI) Cyprus. After that we sang a song of ,”Only trust him” of song book no.8 followed by closing mass prayer. Then we left for Gariphema. 

We started a prayer meeting by 8pm. Pastor Apen of Soul Saviour Church Kohima led the service. The pastor of Garipgema and all church leaders welcomed us to their church as well as to their village. We prayed for : (I) Ezechia (II) Democratic Republic of Korea  (III) Dominica (IV) Dominican Republic (V) Ecuador (VI) Democratic Republic of Cango (VII) Denmar (VIII) Egypt (IX) Elsalvador (X) Equatorial Guinea (XI) Djibouti.

Then we sang song no.9 “Trust and obey “ . We also prayed for NCRC which originated from this very place in 1962 ,60 years ago. We also asked special blessings for this village as they hosted Pentecostal day every year. Then we had mass prayer and came for dinner which they prepared for free , both food and lodging that night. The next morning ie. On the 6th of October ,we left for Yoruba.

On 6th October 2022 the WPPW team left by 5am after prayer with believers of Gariphema CRC. We came back to Botsa via Kohima through Kigwema road. The short-cut to Yorba via Kijumetouma was not in good condition since there was heavy rain that night. We went through Kigwema road to Chakraba via Zunheboto road. While coming to this road , no proper guide was with us, so once we confused ourselves and just before reaching we thought that we had gone excessed. So we turned our vehicles and went back. After a certain distance of about one or two kilometres, we asked someone on the road side, he said we are going on the right road, but yet to we turned back again and moved on. After about half an hour we reached Yoruba. The Naga National Prayer house was somewhere in the middle of the village at a beautiful and naturally decorated place. There we found ,”Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called  son of God” (matt:5:9). Through the devine revelation, Naga National prayer house was established on 20th April 2002.  

There is highlights of the mission prayer points ➖

(I) Peace and harmony in all Naga inhabited areas.

(II) Lasting and permanent solution to the indo-Mynmar – Naga issues.

(III) Reconciliation among Nagas.

(IV) The success of Nagas missionary movement to send out 10,000 missionaries to the end of the world.

(V) Pray for the Nagaland Government that they may rule according to God’s will.         

         Vezalhu Naga

Naga National Prayer House


When we reached this place it was already 1:30pm , we started the prayer meeting led by pastor Velhoutso , pastor of Healing & prayer centre as well as (UCCRC) United Council of Christian Revival Church, Sovima village , Chumoukidima ,Nagaland .

We confessed the sins of all the tribes of Nagas as well as the other sins committed by those nations of UNO and as Eritrea, Estonia, Wswatini,Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland,France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia and Germany. Then we cast out all kinds of evil force against Nagas as well as these two nations and asked God’s blessing for them.

Then we sang our song no.10 “ A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord”. Followed by mass prayer.

After this, we had another prayer meeting for Thevophisuma Naga tribes prayer centre. Mrs. Apen who is the founder pastor of Immanuel soul saviours church Kohima. Here we prayed for the peace of all nations  of the world and also Covid-19 will become powerless, and also prayed that no third World War will be broken out nor Nuclear weapons will be used to destroy living creatures on the face of the Earth. We also prayed for blessings and confessed the sins and driven out all the evil forces against Nagas tribe as well as II nations of UNO recognised 78-88 nations such as- (I) India (II) Indonesia (III) Iran (IV) Irag (V) Ireland (VI) Isreal (VII) Italy (VIII) Jamaica (IX) Japam (X) Jordan (XI) Kazakhstan. 

 After that, we sang a song,” What a friend we have in Jesus”. Then we came to the conclusion of a prayer of mass for Yoruba village as well as surrounding villagers. We had tea and bread which they prepared for us, then we left for Chetheba. It was already 3pm when we reached Chetheba, Rev.Dr. Michael Rai chancellor od divide theological open university Sikkim was the lead of the prayer meeting. We sang a song no.II “ Savior like a shepherd leads us”. Then the leader started the prayer group as well as the Chakhesang Christian Revival church council mission centre and its leaders, then we prayed for the centre as well as all the Chakhesang people. We also prayed for : (I) Ghana (II) Greece (III) Grenada (IV) Guatemala (V) Guinea (VI) Guinea Bissak (VII) Guyana (VIII) Haiti (IX) Honduras (X) Hungary and Iceland. Confessed the sins which committed by those nations and driven away all kind of war and evil spirit againts them by the power of Jesus blood. After the prayer meeting we had lunch which was prepared by the mission council centre people. We thank God as well as the council members and prayer centre people. May God bless them abundantly. After that we left for Khezhakhenoma via Pfutsero. It was a horrible jungle road, vehicles hardly passing through except those trucks. It was already getting dark when we started moving from Chetheba, when we reached Pfutsero it was already 8 pm. When we started our prayer meeting it was already 9pm. Pastor L.Marak, founder pastor of Tolbalijan Bethesda prayer centre Karbi Anglong Assam was the leader. We confessed the sins of the people and around, Then asked  for blessings. We also pray for three main prayer points, we also sing a song no. 13 “ Work for the night is coming” and we pray for those II nations ie. (I) Kenya (II) Kiribati (III) Kuwait (IV) Kyrgyzstan (V) Lao’s people Democratic Republic (VI) Latvia (VII) Lebanon (VIII) Lesotho (IX) Liberia (X) Libya (XI) Leichtenstein.

After clossing mass prayer we had dinner prepared by the church and we spent the night . thank God to all the church members who welcomed us even in the mid-night and treat us so nicely. May God bless them abundantly.

One of our car belongs to pastor Chekrosai Phesao pastor of CRC Paramedical Kohima was very badly damage and could’nt run anymore, so by midnight we need to search  another vehicle for hiring pastor Pfolo assistant pastor as well as pastor incharge of prayer house of the church Khezhakheno CRC reached a vehicle by midnight for us. And by 5pm the next morning we left for Mokhopfu and other places of Manipur state. 

The next day ie. 7th October 2022 we left by 5am as earlier day for Mokhopfu prayer centre of Manipur state side even though they are Pumai Naga. We came between Mokhopfu and Tadupfu village. And had a prayer meeting on the road side . Here pastor Rent Lotha the pastor of Faith in Action prayer centre Seithe Keima was the leader of the prayer meeting . Here we sang a song no.14 of ,” He leadeth me oh blessed thought”. After that we confessed the sins of that two villages and the people living surroundings areas as well as the people of Manipur and other I2 UNO Nations ie. 

     (I) Lithuania

     (II) Luxembourg

     (III) Madagascar

     (IV) Malawi

     (V) Malaysia

     (VI) Maldives

     (VII) Mali

     (VIII) Malta

     (IX) Marshall Island

     (X) Mauritania

     (XI) Mauritius

     (XII) Mexico. 

We also cast out all kinds of evil forces, war spirits all above nations and the peoples.  After that we asked for blessings for all of them. And also we prayed that peace will prevail in their land among the people of them. After closing prayer we proceed to Tadubi of Mao people of Manipur even though they are Mao Nagas. 

Here we gathered together at the playground. Missionary Yavemo who is presently looking after the Nagaland for Christ prayer house Seithekeima village. Here we confessed  the sins and cast out evil forces of the people of the areas as well as Manipur and the rest of 11 nations

     (I) Meisonesia

     (2) Monaco

     (3) Mongolia

     (4) Montenegro 

     (5) Morocco

     (6) Mozambique

     (7) Myanmar

     (8) Namibia 

     (9) Nauru

     (10) Nepal 

     (11) Netherland

.we also asked blessings and peace for those nations. Then we sang a song no.15,”Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine”. And we had a mass prayer and left for Nagaland  even though we could not go to Kapau and Senapati, we decided to pray for them somewhere on the road side of Manipur. But there is no such place on the road side since the road condition is very bad. We hardly passed through without getting stuck off, and somehow we could reach Kigwema village. 

Here, Mr Khrolhi eho is incharge of the international prayer house of seluophe was the leader of the prayer meeting at the centre of the village resting and elder meeting place where the first landing place of the japanese is mentioned on the big stone  4.4.194, here we had prayer meeting in place of kapau prayer centre, here we confess the sins of kapau people as well as other manipurs and also cast out all evil forces against christains especially against the love of holy spirit and also prayed for the peace of all the nations of the world and no covid 19 to be there to destroy human being anymore. And no third world war will break out nor nuclear weapon will be used to destroy human being on the face of the earth, we also confessed the sins of the following UNO nations : 

  1. New Zealand 
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Niger
  4. Nigeria
  5. North Macedonia
  6. Norway
  7. Oman
  8. Pakistan
  9. Palau
  10. Panama

Then we ask and pray for peace and blessing for all these nations. Then we sang song no 16 of “our best”  (hear ye the master’s calls. Give me thy best)  then come to the closing end prayer. Then we proceed to Kigwema Christian revival church for the next prayer meeting.

Here evangelist Vezopra of calvary ministry was the leader of the prayer meeting. We had a confession session of sins and cast out demons of evil forces. We prayed for the church and village and all surrounding areas. We also prayed for the three main points of peace for all nations, covid 19 to become powerless from now onwards and no third world war will be there nor nuclear weapons will be used. Then we prayed for another 12 UNO nations from serial 146-157 such as:

  1. Somoa
  2. San Marino
  3. Sao tome and principe
  4. Saudi arabia 
  5. Senegal
  6. Serbia
  7. Seychelle 
  8. Seirra Leone 
  9. Singapore
  10. Slovakia 

We prayed for these nations that there will be peace in their land and peace in all neighbours nation, and last we prayed for the blessing of all these nations

Then we sang song no 18 “onward Christian soldier marching to war” and came to the conclusion of the mass prayer. After that, we had nice tea bread and egg prepared by the CRC youth, praised god and thanked them for all those good deeds they have rendered to us.  It was all that Brother Rokochale who was a student of Intensive Missionary Training College (IMTC) Sovima did all the necessary information and connected to his own church elders as well as the youth of this church. Praise the lord for all the good works, God bless you all. After that, we left for Kisama where the Hornbill Festival takes place every year. Here some youths prepare food for us at a concession rate below their usual rate which they use to sell on the roadside every day for travellers and tourist visitors. Here at Kisama pastor, Velhoultso was the leader of the meeting. We are supposed to have a prayer meeting at NCRC  P.R.Hill church. But due to traffic problems, we had prayer here at Kisama in place of NCRC P.R. Hil church. here we sang the song No.19 (victory in Jesus). Then we read Mark 16: 17,18 and cast out evil forces against the 12 nations such as:

  1. Slovenia
  2. Solomon Island
  3. Somalia
  4. South Africa
  5. South Sudan
  6. Spain
  7. Sri-Lanka
  8. Sudan
  9. Suriname
  10. Sweden
  11. Switzerland and 
  12. Syrian Arab Republic.

And after that we asked for blessings for these nations, we also prayed that peace will prevail in not only those 12 nations but also in all the rest of the other nations of the world. And there will be free covid-19 free from the destruction of human beings. and also there will be no Nuclear Weapon war nor third world war will be there on the face of the Earth. We also prayed that India and Nagaland will show real peace to the rest of the nations of the world. We also prayed for NCRC P.R. Hill church and Kisama and all their surrounding areas and people. After mass prayer, we left for Khonoma village.  We have come up with the proposed place for the “House of prayer for all nations and world peace prayer centre” (HOPFANAWPPE). This place is situated when we go up from Khonoma village to the topmost place and then go down to Julake. From here we can go straight for the eastern distance on the left side of the road and go up, up again. After walking for certain hours you can see a beautiful place called Dzukou. From here on the roadside, we had a prayer meeting in place of the Senapati prayer centre. Pastor Dependra Gajmer who came from east Sikkim CRC was the leader of the prayer meeting. 

Here we confessed the sins committed by the people of this place as well as the other 12 nations and also cast out the evil forces against them and asked blessings for them, those nations are: 

  1. Paraguay
  2. Peru
  3. Philippines
  4. Poland 
  5. Portugal
  6. Qatar
  7. Republic of Korea
  8. Republic of Moldova
  9. Romania
  10. Russian Federation
  11. Rwanda
  12. Saint Kitts and Nevis

Here we prayed for the peace of all nations of the world, and also Covid-19 will be powerless on the face of the Earth. And also pray that there will be no third world war nor Nuclear weapons will be used to destroy living beings. Then we sang a song,” Count your blessings “. then we pray that the land will be given by the land owners as well as the village authority and that the House of prayer for all nations and world peace prayer centre will be constructed in a reality that prayer warriors around the world will be able to come and pray for peace. As well as for spreading the gospel among all nations. And here one room for each nation will be constructed in the form of Jesus’s cross. And in the middle of the cross building, there will be a world peace prayer centre. And on top of the cross, there will be one cross on the map of the globe, which will be rotating by itself which signifies that the gospel is reaching all the nations of the world. Therefore, it is requested of all believers of Jesus Christ to continue and pray for the fulfilment of the vision of the nation of the world. Then we had a concluding mass prayer and came down to Khonoma village. Here the village council, as well as the three churches Baptist church, Catholic Church and Revival Church, welcome us so warmly at the Jubilee building hall attached to the playground. Here they killed one pig and one Mithun and had dinner with us and even gave us the Naga tradition of (Modi) which contained a big bundle of cooked meat.

Here the pastor of Union Nagamese CRC Midland Kohima was the leader of the prayer meeting. We confessed our sins and read a mark 16: 17-18,” and these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Then we asked for blessings and prayer. then we pray for the remaining nations of the world such as : 

  1. Tajikistan
  2. Thailand
  3. Timor – Leste 
  4. Togo
  5. Togo
  6. Trinidad and Tobago 
  7. Tunisia
  8. Turkey 
  9. Turkmenistan
  10. Tuvalu
  11. Uganda
  12. Ukraine
  13. United Arab Emirates
  14. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 
  15. United Republic of Tanzania 
  16. United States of America 
  17. Uruguay
  18. Uzbekistan 
  19. Vanuatu
  20. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 
  21. Vietnam 
  22. Yemen 
  23. Zambia 
  24. Zimbabwe 

Then we prayed for the peace of those nations of the world, and covid-19 will become powerless and also no third world war will break out nor nuclear weapons will be used by any nation of the world. But peace will be there among all nations of the world that will preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Then we had the Lord’s supper led by Rev.Dr.Sanchu. He was assisted by all licence holders mainly pastor Rheilhou Lhoungu, pastor Michael Ngusanyu and pastor Sezo Angami. By this time the congregation sang the song,” There is power in my blood”. After that, the certificate award distribution was there. All the prayer warriors were given certificates along with rs.1000 each, One key chain, one cap and one TEN magazine with certain names of prayer houses/centres and also a list of nations of the world. This closing ceremony of certificate and gifts distributions was assisted by pastor Adino Solo,  pastor Apen and pastor Daniel Patton Lotha. And pastor Dr Kip Rio shook hands and blessed all those who received certificates and gifts, then closed with mass prayer. 

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